RuchiraBlog is updated to new version of wordpress

by Ruchira on June 12, 2009

Recently the world famous Content Management system WordPress, is being updated with many new functions. After the release of the version 2.7 they released a new version called 2.7.1 which is a bug fixed version of 2.7 . but the problems not over. WordPress used to give more bugs. But most of bloggers didn’t noticed that because they are only mainstream users. about month after releasing the 2.7.1 wordpress announced their newest version 2.8 which changed the CMS control interface with many new things. So I have successfully updated my databases and the system with the newest wordpress version seems more stable! So if you are a wordpress blogger and still didn’t updates to the version you can download it from Here is a video about the new version.

I'm Ruchira Sahan and all posts on this blog are completely my thoughts and writings. I love DIY and Technology. So feel free to contact me for anything about this blog and don't forget to add a comment if this blog helped you! Thanks
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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Deshan June 13, 2009 at 6:24 AM

i’m going to download this now thanks


2 Deshan June 13, 2009 at 1:24 PM

i’m going to download this now thanks


3 Amitbhawani June 16, 2009 at 9:25 AM

Hey i think you have mistaken the new version is out now and its 2.8 which has got quite better features and you can install themes from dashboard and some more good features


4 Amitbhawani June 16, 2009 at 2:25 AM

Hey i think you have mistaken the new version is out now and its 2.8 which has got quite better features and you can install themes from dashboard and some more good features


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