by Ruchira on May 28, 2013
So its been a few days since Microsoft announced Xbox One and there aren’t any wow factors about Xbox one except for the new improved Kinect. And again Xbox seems to be behind on hardware department when comparing with the leaked specs of upcoming Play Station 4. Here are the specs of Xbox One if you are […]
by Ruchira on May 16, 2013
Need to try out WIndows 2012 Server edition? Windows Azure, which is the cloud platform of Microsoft ( like Amazon AWS ) offers you free 90 days of trial for people who want to try out their service. This is just like Amazon AWS free trial but Microsoft is very generous except for bandwidth usage, because they […]
by Ruchira on February 6, 2013
PlayStation 4 rumors are getting hot everyday as Sony announced that they got something new to share with us on February 20th. We arent even sure if they are talking about a new PlayStation or it might be a launch of new Dualshock controller. Sony’s CEO Kaz Hirai once told that Sony will release the […]
by Ruchira on July 5, 2011
Have you ever wondered about a great feature which lets you to copy photos,videos,music and stuff wirelessly to your phone while you are on home or work? I know that now you will think about bluetooth file transfer 😛 but its so slow can even think about copying a movie to your phone from your […]
by Ruchira on April 18, 2010
Today 18th of April Microsoft windowsphone servers gives out 500 internal server errors when trying to access sub pages of and marktetplace for windows phone is not working too. But main page is working. it doesnt seems like this problem is caused by server overload but its funny to see that microsoft […]