How to setup Ubuntu remote desktop

by Ruchira on April 27, 2013



Having a remote desktop with a faster connection helps a lot in many ways I can possibly list. Since VPS’s and Dedicated servers are so cheap these days, You can get a nice remote workstation without making a dent on your pocket. If you need Windows remote desktop, its fairly easy to accomplish that. But on this guide I’m going to talk about how you can get Ubuntu Desktop running on your server.


  • At least 256MiB of RAM. For a better experience you will need 512MiB
  • You need Ubuntu 10.04 or later version installed on your server. It doesn’t matter if its server version or not

Most providers provide Ubuntu server version its completely fine like I said because we are going to install the desktop environment on your server. Log in to command line and lets begin

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Lets install desktop environment

apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Then  install VNC server

apt-get install tightvncserver

Lets configure password for logging in via VNC, Enter below command and enter a password that you want


Now we need to configure the sessions and more, So lets stop vncserver for now

vncserver -kill :1

mkdir /root/.ssh

cd /root/.ssh

Now lets edit the start up session file

nano xstartup

Above command will open nano editor and lets add the session command on that empty file,

gnome-session &



Now hit Ctrl+O to write the changes to the file and then Ctrl+X to exit from the nano editor.

Now you are done, Just type


to start up the VNC server , Now you can connect to your remote Ubuntu desktop via any VNC client such as tightvnc viewer for Windows. When you are connecting leave the username field empty and just use the password that you specified above.

I'm Ruchira Sahan and all posts on this blog are completely my thoughts and writings. I love DIY and Technology. So feel free to contact me for anything about this blog and don't forget to add a comment if this blog helped you! Thanks
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